What I Saw in the Chapel

What I Saw in the Chapel What was that? Am I crazy? Or am I having (gulp)—a vision? At the risk of sounding deranged and for the lack of a better description, I’m admitting I experience occasional, brief, inexplicit “movies in my head” without reason. These little episodes surprise me in different settings: at home … Read more

The Night I Met Fright

The Night I Met Fright Dream Wide Awake was inspired many years ago on a night I met fright. I was sleeping in the attic of my grandparent’s home—just like LeeLee in chapter three. In a pitch-black hour, I awoke when someone grabbed my hand. My arm was wedged between the head board and mattress of … Read more

My 911 Premonition

My 9/11 Premonition Do my premonitions scare you? How would you like to be me? You can get away from me. I can’t. When I was three years old, I had a paranormal experience with a black devil. (This is the basis for Chapter Three in my novel, Dream Wide Awake.) When I was thirteen, I … Read more

Saturday Morning Runs

Saturday Morning Runs From the sky it looks like a puzzle piece, Presque Isle. The sort of piece that finds your hand first because it’s the most colorful, most distinguishable. It’s the one you want to begin with, fit the other pieces around. From high above, its jagged edges disappear into the blue water, and … Read more