Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt

Rating:           8

General Rating:  Typically, I’m not a fan of memoirs but this one is worth reading.

Skip factor:  2%. A little wordy but not much for a memoir.

Who should read:  Men and women who enjoy narrative history and especially those of Irish descent.

Summary:  I’ll be brief as the voice and writing kept me reading more so than the story.

Francis, Frank McCourt is born the first child (six months after their marriage) to Angela and Francis McCourt. After a series of hardships, disease, and children lost in the United States, their family sends them the money to return to Ireland.

In Ireland, their woes continue. Francis Senior jumps from job to job, always drinking away his money, forcing his wife and children to beg for food and rely on others.  The story follows young Francis’s life through hardship and poverty until he returns to America.

Spoiler here: I wasn’t fond of the abrupt ending. It lowered my ranking.

Writing:  Good overall writing. The clever voice kept me reading.

Read this author again?  If someone highly recommended another book of his, I’d consider.  

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CJ Zahner is the author of The Suicide Gene, a psychological thriller; psychic thrillers Dream Wide Awake, Project Dream, and The Dream Diaries; and Chick Lit novels Friends Who Move Couches and Don’t Mind Me, I Came with the House. Zahner’s dream series novels were inspired by first-hand experiences. See the video of her 9/11 premonition  here. Download her Beyond Reality Radio podcast here. Follow her on InstagramTwitterFacebookGoodreadsBookBub, or LinkedIn. Purchase her books on Amazon.