Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

Rating:     10    Serendipitous. Heartfelt and enjoyable. A lovely warm tale about  a woman and a tentacled creature. If only life mimicked this book, rewarded truly deserving people who have weathered fate’s storms. Skip factor: I skipped nothing. 0%    Who should read? Readers who need a boost from life’s norm. Women who love serendipitous stories … Read more

It’s Simple. It’s Choice. It’s Freedom.

Isn’t it wonderful that, as women, we can debate abortion?

Thank you to the women who have shared their thoughts. In many countries, women don’t have this right. Some are forbidden to voice their opinion. Some can’t walk outside without a man. Some aren’t able to go to school and learn to write elegant posts.

To ensure freedom exists for our female descendants, it is imperative we fight for the division of church and state, now.

To those of you who are pro-life, let me explain. If the laws in our country allow men, who believe a baby’s life begins with conception, to ban abortion, then when a different regime is in power, men who believe life begins at first breath, they have the ability to force abortion on women. It’s that simple. Yes.

This is not about life. This is not even about abortion. This is about choice. And freedom. Freedom for all women—rich or poor. Removing the ban on abortion unjustly affects women in the inner-city who don’t have the means to travel hundreds or thousands of miles for an abortion. The powers to be, the rich, the politicians, the upper echelon of our country seldom, if ever, experience the cold, lonely, feeling of not being able to feed your child. Of being forced into a back alley for an abortion so painful and grueling they will never forget it—only to be persecuted for it later.

To the righteous: quoting the bible only proves the decision to allow the banning of abortion is based on religion, and your posting of baby pictures and calling women who have had abortions murderers is persecution.

My religious beliefs are my own. Separate and distinct. As the laws should be. I will defend until my dying day, my sister’s right to make her own choices based on her own situation and her own religion, despite my beliefs and religion. I will never support taking rights away from another woman.

It’s simple, really. It’s about our daughters’ and granddaughters’ future. It’s about a woman’s choice. It’s about freedom.

CJ Zahner is a woman, mother, and grandmother. No m,ore need be said.

Saturday Morning Runs

Saturday Morning Runs From the sky it looks like a puzzle piece, Presque Isle. The sort of piece that finds your hand first because it’s the most colorful, most distinguishable. It’s the one you want to begin with, fit the other pieces around. From high above, its jagged edges disappear into the blue water, and … Read more